Based on the manga of the same name by Kagawa Masahito and Aoki Tetsuo, the story is set in the Shimane Prefecture, which supposedly has the fewest lawyers in all of Japan. Nakama plays the role of the hard-working and righteous Yamazaki Mizuho, who travels around by bicycle to help her clients. –Tokyograph
* Nakama Yukie as Yamazaki Mizuho
* Kagawa Teruyuki as Akita Ryoichi
* Yashima Norito as Ishizuka Michio
* Kaji Meiko as Ishizuka Yoko
* Washio Machiko as Kinuyo
* Mano Yuko as Reiko
* Masuoka Toru as Tajiri
* Takenaka Naoto as Yamazaki Haruo
* Higuchi Kanako as Sakurai Hideko
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